If you weren’t able to make it across the country to San Francisco to join the Roaring Riot and over 200 Panthers fans watch the Panthers beat the 49ers 23-3 in a dominant defensive performance to begin the 2017 season, you missed out on a great weekend filled with new and old friends, great food, a lot of drinks, and yes, a tailgate with a roller coaster! Roaring Riot members came from as far as Brazil, Mexico, Canada or as close as San Francisco; if you haven’t been lucky enough to watch a Panthers game in enemy territory, you’re missing out. And if you haven’t been lucky enough to join a Roaring Riot party to watch a Panthers game in enemy territory, you’re really missing out. Nathan Smoker of Charlotte’s own Cinema Stock Studios will be with us documenting every away game this season, so enjoy some highlights from the Roaring Riot’s Bay Area Takeover!
WATCH: Roaring Riot Bay Area Takeover
By Josh Klein
Sep 15, 2017 12:38 PM | Updated Oct 27, 2017 03:31 PM | 0 comments