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Will Bryan, Co-Host of The Happy Half Hour AKA Panthers Stat Guy joins the show to talk Taylor Swift vs. DMB,  wearing sunglasses at night and the Matt Rhule curse before they jump into the main event, drafting a full 53-man roster between Josh, Will & Colin.

They’ll talk about whether PJ Walker or Will Grier is the backup quarterback, whether or not the Panthers will keep three quarterbacks, what positions Jeremy Chinn, Alex Armah and other players play, come up with a new nickname for the #ManhertzHive and find out exactly how quickly you get to the point on the roster where you have question marks **SPOILERS** it’s earlier than you think.

Want to turn this podcast into a drinking game? Drink every time they use the phrase “it’s a numbers game” — because it’s a numbers game.

One Day Contract is a proud part of The Riot Network – be sure to rate, review and subscribe if you enjoy the debate!

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Josh Klein
Editor-In-Chief at The Riot Report
Josh Klein is Editor-In-Chief of The Riot Report. His favorite Panther of all time is Chad Cota and he once AIM chatted with Kevin Greene. Follow Josh on Twitter @joshkleinrules.