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Part of the home team and analyst for The Riot Report Vincent Richardson joins the gang via the tubes of the internet from across the pond to talk whether it’s time for a coaching change in Carolina, just how hurt Cam Newton is and what that means for the future of not just Cam, but the Carolina Panthers themselves – plus Chubb Runs, Best Christmas Presents and what Vincent’s plan at tight end is for the 2019 season. And a Monday Night New Orleans Preview!

Oh, and you’ll want to hear what Josh’s metaphor for Cam tapping out on Hail Marys – it’s an eye-opener, that’s for sure.

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Josh Klein
Editor-In-Chief at The Riot Report
Josh Klein is Editor-In-Chief of The Riot Report. His favorite Panther of all time is Chad Cota and he once AIM chatted with Kevin Greene. Follow Josh on Twitter @joshkleinrules.